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Explore n' Play 

What is cloud dough?

Snow Dough

4 Cups of corn Starch

1 cup vegetable oil

silver or iridescent glitter 


Cloud dough is a mixture of two everyday ingredients: flour and oil.The combination creates a tactile, sensory material that is not sticky on hands and is very pliable and easily molded. 

Cloud Dough

Sensory Play Recipes

White Mud

Cloud dough can be made with either baby oil or for a toddler safe version the baby oil can be switched out with Vegetable oil.

1 Toilet roll ripped into pieces

2-3 bars of white soap grated

slowly add water and mix in a bowl until desired consistency

8 Cups of flour (for sensitivity gluten free flour can be used)

1 cup of Baby oil  (or vegetable oil for a toddler safe version)


If your child is not prone to eating the dough you could add glitter or tempera paint or, for more natural ingredients add some lavender or herbs for colour, scent or sparkle.


© 2024 Rachel Pope, Explore n'  Play

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